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Buying Guide Weather Stations


Buying Guide Weather Stations

Why buy a Weather Station when I can use my Phone?

Whilst yes at a quick glance your phone/internet or weather person can tell you the weather forecast for today and the week ahead, this is true. And if that's all that is important to you then a look no further. However if you want information that is specific to your home or property, a weather station can become your best friend. 

Weather stations these days have come a long way, you can get semi-professional or professional models that will link to your WiFi allowing you to access information from anywhere in the world, this is great if you're travelling or if you own a remote property and want to track the weather conditions specific to you, i.e. farmers, gardeners, remote workers.

Weather stations can also be quite aesthetically pleasing, and you can use them to decorate your home, whilst having the added bonus of function.

There is definitely a need for weather stations, just not for everyone - and that's OK.

What is a Weather Station?

Simply put, a Weather station is device that reads various components of the weather through sensors by detecting changes in barometric pressure, wind or temperature. Weather stations can also provide additional information such as Alerts (Ice, Storm, Heat and Wind), UV, Moon Phases and rainfall. It's best to read through specifications to identify what features are important to you as not all weather stations have the same features, and you don't want to pay extra for features you won't use, or miss out on features you did want.

2. How does a Weather Station predict what will happen? 

Weather stations have built in barometers that sense changes in barometric pressure. For example, High-pressure systems in the atmosphere typically indicate clear and warm sunny days. Low-pressure changes on the other hand, signal an oncoming storm or rain on the way.

3. What features do various weather stations have and what do they mean?

Below is a list of comprehensive features, this is to help you identify with what you can expect from various weather stations, please note some of these features may not be available in our range or in Australia.

 Temperature (in/out) Measures the temperature in one or more locations, additional sensors are required for two or more location readings.

Humidity (in/out) Measures the humidity in one or more locations, additional sensors are required for two or more location readings. Humidity is sometimes included in temperature sensors

Barometric Pressure Measure changes in the air pressure

Wind Measures the wind speed, an additional wind vane / anemometer sensor is required to obtain a wind speed reading. This data is then transmitted to your main unit / weather station.

Rainfall Measures the rain fall using a rain gauge, this is an additional sensor that transmits the data to your main unit/weather station.

Transmission Distance The range the sensors will send a signal with the information they collect

Alerts Warnings in sudden change such as storm, wind, ice, heat

Data logging Collecting information over given periods from information sent to the unit via sensors

What is radio controlled? In some continents such as Europe this is transmitted externally and a weather station receives information i.e. time, as weather stations are manufactured for global use, some may come with this feature built in. This is not applicable in Australia as we do not have this available.

4. How accurate is a weather station?

This really depends on the model and it's specific accuracy level, refer to the instruction manual for accurate information specific to the model you have. All forecasting devices have an acceptable percentage of error. Professional models typically have a smaller percentage of error, however do come at a much high price. At the end of the day the level of accuracy suitable for you depends on your intended usage, most people are happy with the level of accuracy.

NOTE: The order of battery installation/set up can affect the connection and accuracy, make sure you always follow the instruction to set up/reset in the correct order to avoid connection issues.

5. Which Weather Station is right for me?

Below is a summary of the types of uses, this is a great way to determine what is best for you based on the individual features. Use as a guide only.

 Casual Use 

Temperature and humidity only.

A simple, accurate, wireless and affordable weather station which includes features such as time, date, temperature and humidity. Typically, lower cost, smaller size and easy to read display. They are used for forecasting your local condition to better prepare for the day ahead.

Rain Gauges

Ideal for gardeners, farmers and people who enjoy monitoring rain fall. Available as basic rain catching devices or wireless gauges that provide accurate measurements for your desired area. A rain gauge will enable you to track your historical data, review rainfall records and some also include an outdoor sensor (usually built into the rain bucket) for outdoor temperature.


A simple, accurate and wireless weather stations, which includes features such as date, time, temperature (indoor/outdoor), humidity (indoor/outdoor), Alerts, great accuracy and further transmission range.


These are slightly more complex to set up, and simple to use. They can provide data with greater accuracy and combined with multiple sensors provide an all-round weather tracking experience. Measure temperate, humidity, rain fall, wind speed & direction, UV index, barometric pressure and more. Become your own weather professional.

As they are significantly more expensive, these are more suited to people who are avid weather watchers  or require forecasting/tracking for their day-to-day such as farmers.


These typically consist of thermometer, barometer, and hygrometer mounted on a plaque (like the ones you see in old movies or boats!). The measurements are read from an analogue, commonly round face.

Galileo’s and Storm Glasses

An instrument that uses a special liquid inside a sealed transparent glass. These are used as a method for predicting weather through chemical changes to the liquid triggered by temperature or atmospheric pressure changes.

They are typically more visually appealing, which means they don't only have function they also double as a lovely show piece.

6. Do I need any accessories?

Accessories for weather stations are typically additional sensors or mounting brackets. All accessories are specific to each model of weather station, and most commonly apply to mid-range and professional weather stations. Additional sensors can be:

  • Rain Bucket
  • Wind Vane
  • Temperature & humidity
  • UV
  • Pool

Take a peek at our range and if you have any further questions get in touch!