Ages 3+
Bring a touch of enchantment to your garden dreams by welcoming a whimsical fairy to rest on a cozy seat or within a charming fairy house. Take a stroll into a realm where imagination knows no limits, turning the commonplace into the extraordinary. Jopaz warmly extends an invitation to embark on a fanciful journey, crafting the ultimate fairy experience right in your backyard.
It's the moment to transform your garden into a magical haven where fairies, fun, and fantasy joyfully converge! Prepare to transform your outdoor space into a gateway to the extraordinary, as we firmly believe in the art of turning the ordinary into something truly magical!
- Includes: 1x Sitting Fairy
- Material: Polyresin
- Colours: Pink or Purple (sold separately)
- Size: 5.5cm x 4.5cm x 7.5cm
The product is supplied loose and wrapped in hex paper to protect it during postage.